First on the docket - Aleks Sennwald
Simply put - Aleks is phemonenal. She got me into Bjork in our highschool days (it was "Hunter," to be precise), tickles a mean ivory, and in her illustration, effortlessly taps into the imagination most people have lost before they got their driver's license. I've always been into Aleks' work and you can order this print at Tiny Showcase. Little does Aleks know that one day, when I have a respectable amount of money, I will have to commission her for something sweet. Aleks, if you read that... pretend you didn't.
Nextaroo - Lizz Hickey
Chickenhead 7
There's something about Lizz's work that kinda gives me the creeps, but in a very good way. She's been in some Giant Robot shows I'm can't wait to finally hang up the prints she sent me.
Finalmente! - Stephanie Bollow
Jeez! Don't you just want to touch all of those faces? I'm especially fond of the gent in the middle. Anyway, in an alternate universe where I never left Milwaukee, I'd probably be pretty tight with Miss Bollow. Why? Because she can bite off bottlecaps like nobody's business.
Okay, post abruptly over -- dentist time!